Let’s take a minute and consider just how important doors are in our lives. They may seem like any other mundane item that we interact with on a daily basis, but there is far more to doors than meets the eye. The same goes for door frames. You may not think much of them, but put a little extra consideration into your door casings, and you will see improved security, insulation, noise reduction, and longevity.
If not for their style and design, good-quality door frames are so important for their insulation and heat retention. There is quite a lot to unpack when it comes to door casings, but when you do, choosing one that will fit your stylistic and practical needs will be a breeze.
Types of Door Frames
The mitered door frame is a very common choice. All three-door jambs of the casing are made to look the same, creating one squared shape all around the door itself. Mitered casing commonly comes with unique door frame trim and carvings, depending on its design, though it can also have minimal to no ornamentation to suit contemporary interiors.