Family rooms are a lot more versatile in terms of features than living rooms. Since every household is different in what they find relaxing or entertaining, the features of your modern family room depend entirely on what you enjoy doing. For example, if you have a hobby such as painting, you can keep your artwork and materials in the family room in case you don’t have a studio. Family rooms can be used as a place to study, work, play games, watch movies, and just about anything else your household enjoys doing. If you have a formal and chic contemporary living room, chances are you don’t want to make a mess if you’re expecting guests. The family room interior, however, gives you all the opportunities to unwind exactly as you’d like to without the fear of guests walking into a messy room.
As for furniture and seating — again, this depends entirely on what you find comfortable. You can have the requisite family room TV, sofa set, and coffee table. But if you already have a living room that provides this kind of comfort, then how about a nice set of colorful bean bags or other types of comfy chairs that are not necessarily chic or formal? For a more Bohemian interior, hanging wicker chairs are also a fantastic option if this is not something you want in the living room. Keep in mind that these bolder features are less likely to be present if you have either a living room or a family room. But if you have both and don’t want the two rooms to be identical, then consider shaking things up.