Kitchen Design Trends 2023: Emerging Trends to Keep Your Eye On

Kitchen Design Trends 2023: Emerging Trends to Keep Your Eye On

Decoration and Design
By Mateos Glen Hayes November 19, 2022

2022 is soon coming to a close, so it’s time to start thinking about what the new year might bring. When it comes to kitchen designs, this means some new opportunities are just around the corner for anyone looking to renovate their homes. Everything from new technologies to the phasing out of old trends is on the table in this new exciting list of kitchen design trends for 2023

Technology continues to advance and people’s tastes are changing at an ever-increasing rate. That might sound a bit hard to keep up with but fear not, as we are here to guide you through all the best kitchen design trends of 2023. Let’s hop right in and check out the X new design trends kitchen design experts say will take the new year by storm.  

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No More Minimalism?

More new kitchen layouts are shifting away from minimalism and towards more textured designs.

More new kitchen layouts are shifting away from minimalism and towards more textured designs.

If that sounds hard to believe, you aren’t alone. When one trend has been a fixture of interior design for so long across the world, it seems impossible that it could ever fade away. To be sure, minimalism is still a hugely popular design trend both in kitchens and other parts of the home, but there are signs that this is slowly changing. 

As part of 2023 kitchen design trends, consumers are increasingly opting for more colorful and eclectic designs since this gives an overall warmer feeling to your kitchen. Some minimalist designs can come off as rather cold or featureless, and so some designers are trying to break that mold with more color as well as a wider variety of materials.  

Something Eccentric

Eye-catching lighting fixtures add some originality and eccentricity to your kitchen layout.

Eye-catching lighting fixtures add some originality and eccentricity to your kitchen layout.

The Art Deco style was a design aesthetic intimately connected to the excess and opulence of the upper classes during America’s gilded age, so it might seem a bit strange that it’s coming back now. However, there is an undeniable charm to this style that more contemporary kitchen layouts have not always been able to capture. 

With its grandiose styling, bright lighting, and large ornamental windows, the Art Deco style screams unbounded optimism and high quality. To take advantage of this kitchen interior design trend for 2023 without breaking the bank, focus your investments on new eye-catching statement lighting. This way you can recreate a luxurious kitchen design on a budget. 

But if the Art Deco style isn’t your cup of tea, there are other unusual styles to choose from. For instance, brutalist industrial kitchens are set to increase in popularity as well in 2023. With its gray angular forms, a brutalist kitchen strikes a completely different tone in a way that’s both unusual, but also quite cool, especially if you appreciate a starker aesthetic.  

Textured Surfaces 

A wider variety of materials allows for a more visually interesting design that is far more characterful than more minimalist layouts.

A wider variety of materials allows for a more visually interesting design that is far more characterful than more minimalist layouts.

All too many new kitchen designs tend to be quite uniform, meaning that they mostly use one or two materials for all surfaces. Usually, the main reason for this is the kitchen remodel costs, but it leads to a lot of featureless kitchens with layouts lacking in color or texture. Naturally, a lot of homeowners aren’t a fan of the ‘efficient plywood kitchen’ design. 

Fortunately, remedying this problem is one of the kitchen interior design trends for 2023. A tactful combination of statement lighting, quality backsplashes, and all sorts of materials including wood, metal, and natural stone all come together for a highly textured design that is beautiful to look at. This sheer variety of materials allows for a varied design that can still stand up to the demands of everyday kitchen use. 

Metallic Design 

The combination of brass, copper, and iron makes for a very sturdy and stylish kitchen layout.

The combination of brass, copper, and iron makes for a very sturdy and stylish kitchen layout.

One of the most beautiful elements of the quintessential Parisian restaurant’s kitchen is the sheer amount of copper, brass, iron, and aluminum that occupies the space. These metals make up cabinet hardware, stove switches and handles, the brasserie itself, faucets, and all manner of other fixtures that exude quality and style. Metals were never really out in kitchen design, but as part of 2023’s kitchen design trends, they will be more in than ever. 

A mix of metal finishes keeps your kitchen from looking tacky and also helps to beautifully accent your kitchen’s layout. As an experienced kitchen designer can tell you, these metals are highly durable, making for a kitchen that will last for decades to come. Plus, it goes without saying that it’s a lot more interesting and unique than having matching stainless steel for everything. 

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What Color Kitchen Cabinets Are in for 2023? 

Warm organic colors such as teal are in for 2023 kitchen layouts and provide a beautiful contrast to a mostly white space.

Warm organic colors such as teal are in for 2023 kitchen layouts and provide a beautiful contrast to a mostly white space.

Colorful cabinetry is quite an attractive new kitchen interior design trend for 2023 as it provides the perfect focal point for your modernized kitchen design. Colored cabinets - particularly light-colored ones using colors such as light blues, pinks, and greens - have become increasingly popular thanks to the eye-catching contrast they provide to a mostly white space. With colored cabinetry, a kitchen becomes just that bit more textured and colorful, and that can make a big difference. 

Organic colors in the kitchen will be a big 2023 kitchen design trend precisely because they provide extra warmth and intimacy to the space in a way that lighter colors may not. These colored cabinets also have a practical advantage in that they don’t get dirty as fast as white or gray cabinets would. So for your next kitchen paint job, try teal for a pop of warm, cozy colors in the room your family gathers in most.

Echo Design 

A uniform design has a lot of undeniable charm and projects subtle sophistication.

A uniform design has a lot of undeniable charm and projects subtle sophistication.

Of course, for every trend, there is also a counterculture and the same is true in kitchen design. One of 2023’s kitchen design trends is the rise in cohesive designs. By cohesive, we mean kitchen layouts where certain items are matched, such as installing countertops and kitchen backsplashes made of the same materials and using the same colors. There are some neat stylistic benefits to doing things this way as it creates a more contained design and preserves continuity. 

This is perfect if you are looking for a design that spells modernity. Besides this, not every home renovator is a fan of eclectic designs and will appreciate the cleaner simplicity of this kitchen interior design trend for 2023. Also, this kind of design can be better for larger family layouts since they tend to be less cluttered which is important when you're busy cooking for many people.  

Gadgets Galore 

A smart kitchen gives you a huge number of labor-saving possibilities, all just a tap away.

A smart kitchen gives you a huge number of labor-saving possibilities, all just a tap away.

Every year new and amazing gadgets come to market that make our lives easier in ways we never imagined. Imagine if your kitchen had a whole bunch of these smart devices integrated into it seamlessly for a high-tech kitchen that can help you do chores faster, or use less electricity. 

Smart fridges, multipurpose ovens, smart dishwashers, smart toasters, Wi-Fi-capable coffee makers, and smart LED lighting are just a handful of the new devices making their way into today's kitchens. Because all of these gadgets are easily controllable from any smartphone or via voice assistants this means your automated kitchen can be a well-oiled machine that eliminates a lot of the drudgery of cooking and cleaning dishes. 

The Lived-In Look

The lived-in look injects character into your kitchen design and allows for a more casual ambiance.

The lived-in look injects character into your kitchen design and allows for a more casual ambiance.

While it can look impressive, the showroom look of some newer kitchens often lacks personality. This kitchen design trend for 2023 fixes that by giving a kitchen the lived-in homely look that is more appealing to a lot of homeowners. A kitchen that has the rustic look and feel of being used every day is a kitchen that tells a story and is therefore unique. Building a lived-in kitchen can also make for a shorter kitchen remodel project since you will be working with a lot of materials already in your kitchen rather than tearing everything out.  

It also makes a kitchen layout feel more “real” in the sense that it embraces imperfections. After all, life isn’t always a perfect, well-organized affair, so why strive for an unrealistic standard when a more casual design allows for a more comfortable kitchen layout? This trend also draws heavily from the retro aesthetic that has become so popular in recent years, allowing for a nostalgic blast from the past with classic materials like brass, mahogany, antique dishes, retro fixtures, and plenty of styled wear and tear. 

Let Nature In 

Choose only reclaimed wood and recycled materials for a kitchen interior design that is in harmony with nature.

Choose only reclaimed wood and recycled materials for a kitchen interior design that is in harmony with nature.

What better way to create a relaxing ambiance in the kitchen than with some beautiful natural materials that have been reused? This 2023 kitchen design trend is set to eliminate the staid and outdated look of kitchens built with composite materials by introducing authentic quality natural alternatives. 

This rising kitchen interior design trend for 2023 owes a lot to fusion movements such as Japandi design which combines the functionality of Scandinavian design with the beautiful natural forms of Japanese interior decorating. However, this eco-friendly trend goes a step further by using recycled materials that would otherwise go to a landfill. What this translates to is plenty of reclaimed hardwood, recycled materials such as plastic and aluminum, and easily biodegradable materials such as cork and bamboo. 

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Written by
Mateos Glen Hayes

Written by Mateos Glen Hayes

