A Homeowner's Guide to Installing Gutter Covers

A Homeowner's Guide to Installing Gutter Covers

By Contractors.com Team March 10, 2023

As a homeowner, you know that maintaining your home's gutter system is a crucial part of ensuring that your property remains in good condition. One of the best ways to protect your gutters and prevent blockages is by installing gutter covers. Gutter covers are designed to keep debris out of your gutters while still allowing water to flow freely. Here are the top three things you should consider when installing gutter covers.

Type of Gutter Cover

There are several different types of gutter covers on the market, and each has its unique advantages and disadvantages. The most common types of gutter covers are mesh, screen, foam, and reverse curve. Mesh covers consist of a fine wire mesh that allows water to pass through while keeping out debris. Screen covers work similarly to mesh covers but use a coarser mesh. Foam covers sit inside your gutters and filter out debris while allowing water to flow through. Reverse curve covers use the physics of water flow to redirect debris over the edge of your gutters while allowing water to flow through.

When choosing a gutter cover, consider the amount of debris in your area, your gutter's shape and size, and your budget. Mesh and screen covers are affordable options that work well in areas with moderate debris. Foam and reverse curve covers are more expensive but work better in areas with heavy debris.

Installation Process

The installation process for gutter covers varies depending on the type of cover you choose. Mesh and screen covers are relatively easy to install and can be done by a homeowner with basic tools. Foam and reverse curve covers, on the other hand, require professional installation.

Before installing gutter covers, it's essential to clean your gutters thoroughly. This ensures that there is no debris left in your gutters that could clog your downspouts. Once your gutters are clean, you can begin installing your gutter covers. Make sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully and take any necessary safety precautions.

Maintenance Requirements

While gutter covers are designed to keep debris out of your gutters, they still require maintenance to function correctly. Mesh and screen covers should be cleaned regularly to ensure that water can flow through freely. Foam covers should be removed and cleaned periodically to prevent debris buildup. Reverse curve covers require the least amount of maintenance but may still need occasional cleaning.

Consider the maintenance requirements of your chosen gutter cover before installation. If you don't have the time or ability to maintain your gutter covers regularly, choose a low-maintenance option like reverse curve covers.

Average Cost The cost of installing gutter covers varies depending on the type of cover, the size of your home, and the installation method. Mesh and screen covers are the most affordable, with an average cost of $1.50 to $4.50 per linear foot. Foam covers are more expensive, with an average cost of $4 to $7 per linear foot. Reverse curve covers are the most expensive, with an average cost of $7 to $10 per linear foot. Professional installation can add an additional $1 to $3 per linear foot.

Installing gutter covers is an excellent way to protect your gutters and prevent blockages. When choosing a gutter cover, consider the type of cover, the installation process, and the maintenance requirements. By choosing the right gutter cover and maintaining it properly, you can ensure that your gutters remain functional and your home remains protected.


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Contractors.com Team

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