It’s easy for cleaning to seem like a never-ending slog. Homes that are well lived-in become dirty fast, and before you know it your freshly spring-cleaned house will need to be scrubbed again. This is a fact of nature, and while you cannot control that, there are certainly other factors that are within your control.
In truth, cleaning does not have to always be a difficult and onerous task. A lot of what makes a home difficult or time-consuming to clean has to do with the home’s configuration itself. Large homes with a lot of clutter and dust-catching fabrics will be a lot more challenging to keep sparkling. So, if you want your home to be easy to clean and to stay clean for longer, the answer lies in design choices.
Those of you who are about to remodel your home will want to take note of these five design choices that will make things easier when spring cleaning time comes around again. You may not be able to implement them all, but even integrating a few of these ideas into your home will make a visible difference. Most of us don’t really like to clean, and if that statement applies to you, these methods represent a few tools for fixing that problem and making your home a nicer place to be in the process.